kids drama academy

Drama Lessons for Kids

Program Information

The Helen O’Grady Drama Academy started here in Perth in 1979, and last year, we celebrate 40 years of classes! We now have branches in many countries around the world, so thousands of children worldwide are benefiting from our acclaimed program. Our aim is to give children ongoing confidence, self-esteem and skill in verbal communication through dynamic, fun-filled classes.

2025 Term Dates

TERM 1: Monday 3 February – Saturday 12 April
TERM 2: Monday 28 April – Saturday 5 July
TERM 3: Monday 21 July – Saturday 27 September
TERM 4: Monday 13 October – Saturday 13 December

What to bring to class

• Generally, students are not required to bring much to class, other than lots of energy.
• We
recommend that students wear comfortable clothing to enable them to move freely during activities
• Footwear should be rubber-soled, however, in most halls, shoes and socks can be removed on arrival.

• Bring a labelled drink bottle (water only please), as each lesson involves a lot of language and talking!
• We occasionally include “dress-up” (optional) lessons in each term and an information page will be provided.
• We keep these simple and make sure that
they are easy to provide from home!

Class Structure

Our specially written curriculum and specialist teacher training ensures our students have a balanced, fun-filled lesson every week. A child can join the Academy at three years of age and stay until they are 18 without ever repeating a lesson.

Age groups cover:

Kindy Drama:  3 – 5 yrs
Lower Primary: 5 – 8 yrs
Upper Primary: 9 – 12 yrs
Youth Theatre:  12 years plus

acting classes for kids
Kindy Drama – 3 – 5 yrs

A well as language development, our Kindy Drama program also helps to develop important life skills for preschoolers

Helen O'Grady Drama Academy Perthtaking turns
Helen O'Grady Drama Academy Perthsharing
Helen O'Grady Drama Academy Perthlistening
Helen O'Grady Drama Academy Perthfollowing instructions

Helen O'Grady Drama Academy Perthsequencing & memory skills
Helen O'Grady Drama Academy Perthvocalising emotions

Pre-schoolers and their parents love the drama program and find it is a wonderful introduction to drama!

Lower Primary: 5 to 8 yrs & Upper Primary 9 – 12 yrs

Our acting classes for kids offer engaging drama activities designed to build confidence, self-esteem, and verbal communication skills. Our developmental programs provide primary students with unique opportunities to enhance clear speech, fluent delivery, and social skills.

Our highly-trained teachers inspire and motivate students to become articulate communicators through enthusiastic participation in various creative activities, ensuring a fun and impactful learning experience.

Helen O'Grady Drama Academy Perthspeech
Helen O'Grady Drama Academy Perthmovement
Helen O'Grady Drama Academy Perthimprovisation
Helen O'Grady Drama Academy Perthdialogue work
Helen O'Grady Drama Academy Perthdrama games
Helen O'Grady Drama Academy Perthannual productions

The contribution of each child is encouraged and valued in a warm, positive, learning environment.

Youth Theatre – 12 Years Plus

Our dynamic acting classes for kids are perfect for a wide range of young people, from those wanting to boost their confidence and speaking skills, to those dreaming of a career in theatre and media. Through our Youth Theatre Program, young actors are exposed to a variety of engaging material.

While our program focuses on building confidence and effective communication, the theatre arts component provides a comprehensive learning experience, including:

Helen O'Grady Drama Academy Perthimprovisation
Helen O'Grady Drama Academy Perthvoice production
Helen O'Grady Drama Academy Perthscript work
Helen O'Grady Drama Academy Perthcharacter analysis

Helen O'Grady Drama Academy Perthdialogue creation
Helen O'Grady Drama Academy Perththeatre games
Helen O'Grady Drama Academy Perthannual productions

No matter their age, the primary goal of our program is to help students develop confidence, self-esteem, and verbal communication skills—achieved through our unique, diverse curriculum, delivered weekly.

Payment Methods – Enrolment 2024

We follow the school term system, of four terms per year.

Term fees per 10 week term (all inclusive) with sibling discounts are:

1 child $210
2 children $395
3 children $585

Pro-rata rates are available for part-term enrolment and fees may vary depending on the length of the school term.

All fees must be paid, in full, before your child’s first class. Deposits & fees are paid by Internet transfer.

Credit card payments can be made only by phoning our branch offices. Please check with your branch Principal (see contacts page) for bank details.

Ongoing Benefits

Acting classes for kids. Program Information Helen O'Grady

Since 1979, we’ve been perfecting our unique curriculum and highly effective teaching methods, offering a dynamic experience for children. Our drama lessons for kids are designed so that students can enrol with the Academy and continue learning for 15 years without repeating a lesson!

We encourage parents to keep their children in our classes long-term, so they can fully benefit from our comprehensive self-development program, watching their confidence and skills grow year after year.